Our Merch
If you want some fantastic Ballad Merch then say no more! You can find it on our Threadless store: https://balladofthesevendice.threadless.com/
We also have a few wonderful partners that we have affiliated with that will get you some amazing deals!
Your one stop shop that has everything you could ever need. Grab some dice bags, fancy metal sets, dice trays, all the hobby accessories you could ever want are there waiting for you! Use the Promo Code " ballad7dice " to receive 10% off your entire order!!
Battlebards is one of the most fantastic places to grab some music, sfx, and ambience that will set your podcast or tabletop game leagues ahead of the rest. The quality and selection are second to none, so go ahead and hop on there and grab that good stuff! Use the Promo Code " ballad7dice " to recieve 15% off your monthly subscription.