Engaging and funny!
I just listened to the first episode and it was so fun and engaging and I'm excited to continue!
pnuyerev via Apple Podcasts ·Canada
Great New D&D Podcast
Just discovered this new actual play podcast and have really enjoyed it so far. Great story, good role playing and excellent sound quality. Keep up the good work!
DM4532 via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America
Dark and intriguing
D&D with a Lovecraftion twist, uses the D&D 5e system but with some interesting mechanics and a dark and bloody story. Full of action, character development and gore it sure to satisfy the more intense listeners. Some audio issues initially but the story more than makes up for it with well developed villains who really make you hate them and interesting characters to explore. Absolustely recommend, give them a chance!
Modified Roll via Apple Podcasts ·Great Britain
Amazing story and sound quality!
Wow! I can’t believe I haven’t listened to now. This podcast has great sound quality, definitely loving the accompanying sound effects in the background. Really sets the scene. Will add to my follow list! -HTQWW
DNDlove via Apple Podcasts
Love it!!!
Love these guys! Nice job keep up the great fun and wonderful adventures!
Deverin11 via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America
Its an audio adventure
The sound effects the voices the speed the tone, AHHH its like a lil audio movie every time. If you want some adventure then this is ya place to get it.
Dead toothbrush via Apple Podcasts ·Great Britain
Instant Classic
One of the most interesting stories we’ve heard in an actual play podcast. We were hooked right away. Excellent sound work and characters bring the adventure to life. We’re still in the early episodes, so, of course, we have to give a shout-out to Steve. He’s a GD delight. These folks belong on your must-listen list.
Wild Endeavors Crew via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America
Great podcast!
Check out this pod if you enjoy good editing, descriptive character interactions and strong story development. I most recently listened to Off to War Part 1. This is a great start to the story including skywrite, great character development by night, discussing what it means to be Deathshift, and... spider horses? Players don't try to rush to combat in the story, but rather help the DM unfold a deep universe.
TJ Time via Apple Podcasts
Here there be Wickedness (Wicked Awesome)
This show is stunning. The cast of characters is diverse and very well played (everyone needs a Ronee in their life). The score, the ambient sounds, and sound effects are top notch. You're immediately sucked into this dark story of psychedelic horror. I couldn't stop listening. I've binged through almost all of the episodes in 5 days. Stop reading this review and get listening!
Jeremy D. Kleinhans via Apple Podcasts ·United States of Americ
Fantastic. Really fantastic.
Not going to lie, I started off with this podcast with a low level of enthusiasm. It has a low listenership, but the ones that did listen seemed to have great things to say, so I pushed forward. Man am I glad I did. They deserve so much more attention. I was pushing along through the intros, and then something really popped out at me during Ronee’s character introduction. Nothing big. Something so small and mentioned as a side note that it made it so apparent that this DM made this story so realistic and plausible that I could immerse myself into the story. This is a fantastic actual play podcast with a wonderful story and a lingering evil that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The mini-episodes really bring the danger to life and help bring a cinematic feel. It helps you understand that there is life beyond our four heroes. I’m not caught up, but I’m deep into this bard’s tale and already know I will anxiously await new episodes once I’m current with the feed.
Dave the DM via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America
This podcast is definetly worth a listen!!
Alesia M via Apple Podcasts ·Canada
Silent Hill Meets Epic High Fantasy
The devil's in the details. A Faerun conceptualized with elements of eldritch-style horror and macabre, bringing darker themes and a fate worse than death for the PCs should they fail in their fated task. Fans of all of the aforementioned should should start with Ballad of the Seven Dice for their DnD Actual Play Podcast. Expect thematic production, twisted villains, and, of course, plenty of cringe-worthy gore. If you're on the hunt for a strong narrative bent to your Actual Play Pods, this DM crafts a nuanced, gradual build in plot progression with excellent restraint. While the players journey through the story, you know something incredibly huger than them is churning, the sense of an enormous hourglass steadily losing grains, a feeling of many stories being told even if you're largely seeing only the one. If you find yourself wanting for more when it comes to immersive storytelling in your Actual Plays, this DM's craft will give you both that visual, sensory, and even psychological setting in your headspace. His description and story pacing will drop you right into the scene with the players and effortlessly carry you along. This is not a podcast you space out to. Listen closely, note the details, because things come back around and you don't want to be caught off your guard.
SeraSomatic via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America
Adventurous and Unique
I've been keeping up regularly with the mishaps of this motley crew from the beginning. All I can say is wow, what a journey. And what a wonderful podcast it has been thus far. Fans of DnD, prepare to laugh, be horrified, and follow along a whimsical and epic adventure.
JSON_33 via Apple Podcasts ·Canada
Must listen for horror fantasy buffs!
I started listening to support my friends, and I'm glad I started. The story grips you from the very beginning and the main characters are instantly endearing in their own ways. The dungeon master does a great job with keeping the suspence of the storyline going along and the characters are faced with drastic consequences if they fail. I'm a superfan of the podcast now and I encourage everyone I know who loves tabletop RPGs to check it out. Keep up the great work!
Thea Winde via Apple Podcasts ·Canada
This production rocks!
I just got all caught up and I have to say, I am so impressed with this show! The passion and care put into this is so evident in the writing and delivery. You can really tell that everyone involved is giving their all. I am so impressed with not only the DM's detailed and layered story, but also their ability to think on their feet and react to any situation. The sound production (sound fx, music) really add to the experience and immerse the listener into the story. There are a great variety of characters whose stories are all linked together, creating a much richer bigger picture. The minisodes are great for adding enrichment and detail. There is a good blend of horror and comedy, I honestly love how funny this show can get! All in all I would definitely recommend this podcast! Keep up the great work!
t-rexwithglitter via Apple Podcasts ·Canada
Highly recommended!
Great story and a talented group of individuals. Very entertaining and will leave you wanting more. You can’t go wrong giving it a listen and you won’t regret it! -Johnny (GM Pokemon Seicho)
Guy johnn via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America
It's like an audio movie
I've been listening to these guys for about a year now and am finally getting around to writing this. This pod is amazing and I am excited for each episode to come out on Mondays. I started it way back and right from the start it was like I was listening to a movie. They got sound effects, music, effects on voices, it's really good. I listen to a lot of DnD and Starfinder pods and this is for sure one of my favorites. The party is pretty believable, though they are weird, and their dynamic is something that really draws me in because they feel like they are actually people. I like that M'zi is their professional hunter, Kalsaur is trying to have heart and be a hero, Borodon is trying to make sure they don't die, and Ronee keeps things light and happy even if the others get mad at him. If you want a pod that gives you a good movie feeling, has cool smaller episodes between, and a lot of different guests like for Dorem and Detective Bill, then listent o this show!! It's good, trust me lol
BornUntoUndeath via Apple Podcasts · United States of America
Dorem is ice cold, and i'm here for it
Dorem you crazy and I love you, I need more episodes with you. There is never enough female super villains that are good, not just aching over some lost love or something, instead she is fighting for what is right. I want to see her blasting fools across the yard, make people flee from that power while strutting like Hela. Finally getting a boss wizard who is making them all fall in line and she isn't just 1 dimensional is something i need for the soul, she has some pain and misses her friends but is following through with her duty and is pushing through. This story also has a billion things going on, I feel like i'm going to stand up when it all comes together and shout "I knew it!" in a library or something. I'm really liking the story and the sounds and creepy voices get me sucked in. The players stick to their characters really well too, so it doesn't break that immersion, so good job you four. Looking forward to seeing where this all goes and hope you see my review and give me those scenes! Also I came here from the Lovelycraftians, so you can go ahead and thank Cassie, wingover! - Alexis
Mab of Air and Darkness via Apple Podcasts · Canada
good stuff for halloween
Started listening to have something for Halloween. Finished Infinite Deer and Nerd Poker and went here. Story is good, they keep having things happen and the party does a good job keeping up with the dm.Good creepy an gorey stuff, looking forward to hearing more.
Derek Hawryluk via Apple Podcasts · Canada
Top notch production. The DM delivers concise exposition and pulls the players and the listeners in to the story right from the start. Looking forward to hearing all of it!
Tim Mathias via Apple Podcasts · Canada
A tale for the telling
Stop by the Inn of the Ballad of the 7 Dice to hear Wingover Gimble, famous gnome bard spin the tale of the Chosen. You won’t want to miss this experience of imagination and legend. 5 stars!
Jongrahar via Apple Podcasts · United States of America
Prologues are a good idea
Love the way you introduced characters, between the trailer and the prologue individual episodes. Good audio quality too! - Another Path
jesusfreak578 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America
Literally Transported My Soul
Ballad of the seven dice is so incredibly immersive. The production quality is top notch and everything is so tastefully edited. However, a show isnt good on production alone, you need a killer cast to truly ascend and this show has it! M'zi, Ronee, Kalsaur, and Brodon all have such an interesting dynamic with each other and also stand alone as intriguing characters. Lucas the DM has a scary mind too. This story is at times terrifying and filled with horrofying imagery and ridiculously tense moments that will make you sweat (pull over while driving during these moments if you are listening in a car). But Lucas weaves a tale for his players that pushes them to the brink and honestly its pushing me too, he is not afraid to do anything to his players. Oh before I forget npc voices on point. All in all this show is a wild ride of emotions but it is so well done that you are going to want to hang on and listen carefully to every word. Now go listen.
S Master Flex via Apple Podcasts · Canada
Taking me back
A Dungeons and Dragons story that takes you to a blasted and rocky version of the Forgotten Realms. The GM does a grand job taking you to the edge and keeping oyu there. His players though, to their credit take their lumps and strike back. Wish I had players that could take a feck beating like this lot, would let me use some bigger beasts. Story is engaging, effects make it feel like a series you'd catch, and has me coming back each week. Try it out, it's free and you'll like it.
TheOriginalAllen via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain
This podcast gets you invested from the start! I can not stop watching this. Ronnie is so interesting and chaotic! I can’t wait for more episodes! Keep up the great work Wingover!
ThommyIsFun via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America
Easy to follow & enjoyable. Can’t wait to keep listening! M’zi is my favourite ;)
Myaa. via Apple Podcasts ·Canada
Terrifyingly Terrific
Thia story begins with a twist and settles into what feels like a traditional fantasy campaign before taking a sharp left turn into mind blowing macabre. The production values are some of the best you will hear and Lucas’ gift for story and performance bring this unique world to life.
Do yourself a favor and make time for Ballad of the Seven Dice.
MCTDiana via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
Terrific Storytelling
If what you want is a story you can get immersed in, with characters you can fall in love with, and A+ audio production. Ballad is the show for you.
I can’t stress how amazing these folks are.
-Andrew ChasmQuest DM
papalm615 via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
Not your average actual play D&D podcast.
I binged this whole series in a matter of a few weeks. From the first episode you are immediately drawn in to the characters, the world, and the story line. The use of sound effects is perfect, and the use of the mini episodes really helps the pacing of the story. It’s well voiced, played, and produced. The DM is amazing at drawing you in to a false sense of security, just to have it ripped away from some horror you wouldn’t have thought could happen. The chemistry of the cast is wonderful, everyone plays their characters well and takes the time to think out exactly what their characters would do in that moment. I also love the holiday one shots where everyone can just sit back and have a good time outside the main story. Go listen to this thrilling tale and you won’t regret it.
Joel from the Friends And Flayers podcast.
Joeland87 via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
This is the best D and D story ever. I even painted the symbol on my hand.
Dragonwolf1324 via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
I binged it in two weeks
My friends got me to listen to TAZ and when i finished it i wanted more, so i went and started searching up podcasts. I listened to the first episode and I got hooked right away. This story is really good, there is always something lurking in the shadows and the villains are actually scary. I love the players and ronee has my taste in music
Draconicforce via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
I love it!
This podcast is a blast! is started at the very beginning and it has a really interesting start! I'm really curious to see where it goes! the characters are fun and really distinctive. You can tell they are having fun at the table! I'm for sure gonna listen to more! - DicePop Crew
The Double DM via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
Wowie Zowie
Dive into this on a recommendation and it didn’t disappoint. I like where the story is going and I can’t wait to see some more lovecraftian horrors tear up out of the shadows. - Bard Podcast
gobaspiebox via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
Thank you for saying this!
I've been listening for a while and I would have never commented on any of your content. I played quite a bit of D&D as a kid and was fortunate enough, or unfortunate enough to be an editor and do some visual effects on Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight and a few other Marvel cartoons in another life. Anyway. Not my point. I love that you took a moment to say #blacklivesmatter. I work on a lot of political activist content and use this podcast to decompress and think of better days and to just take a break. It really made me smile and feel like we are going to make a difference by standing up against racism. I'm in the US and live in the south so I experience racism often on social media, especially from the people that represent me in Washington. I actively engage the system locally, but it really takes a toll. I had no idea you were in Canada, but because you said this, I feel one better about the world. I am part Cuban and part American since the 1600s, members my family have escaped Cuba and had to cross across the Rio Grand to escape fascism. My family fought in just about every major war America waged, including both sides of the Civil War. I have engaged racist members of my own family since I was a kid and it is likely one of the more difficult things that I have dealt with in my life. Racism in America is a pandemic that cannot be left unchecked. The justics system is clearly bias and we are not all represented or given the same opportunity to succeed in this life. I really appreciate you saying this. I listened to you before, but I think because of this I am a fan. Keep it up! Fantastic stories. Love the shining god so much. Like real love. Devout love. Unending forever love... A shining squeezing, oozing, endless putrid yellow phosphorescence kind of love... And a I consider myself an atheist. I don't know why I love the shining god so much. #BlackLivesMatter!
Steve Stewart Sharp via Apple Podcasts - United States of America
Both creepy and charming
While this pandemic is going on, this story kept me company and helped me from going barmy. Thanks for the laughs and the gasps! Please give me more wholesome robot bits <3
Saravaile via Apple Podcasts - United States of America