Hey there Travellers, We have been a little absent lately with everything going on. To make a long story short we got hit with some pretty terrible events in June. We got evicted and I got hit in a wave of lay offs from my job so we had to find a place and I'm still job hunting but I may have something lined up very soon, fingers crossed! I was originally planning on having us make our comeback in June but honestly I am still recovering from the physical strain of moving and the emotional damage of that entire ordeal. I'm finding my feet and getting back into normalcy bit by bit. I just started editing again after not touching anything for over a month and it felt good getting back into the swing of things. All that being said, I'm hoping late July we can bring Season 2 of Escaping Carcosa to you, we will see. I'll keep you posted here and on our Patreon! At the very least we will have recaps up and in August would be the latest for Season 2. Thank you everyone for your kind messages during that time and everyone's support with our GoFundMe. It honestly meant the world that so many people rushed forward to help us and it made a very impossible and isolating crisis feel not so much and we made it through it ok! We look forward to bringing you some more weird ballad goodness! Until next time dear Travellers, I bid you all adieu, Lucas